Tiler Peck – Dancer of the Year 2021

Nominated by TANZ -Magazine for Ballet, Dance and Performance

More about this stunning Prima Ballerina

Tiler Peck is not just an international award-winning Principal Dancer with the New York City Ballet – one of the most prestigious Ballet Companies in the world, she also is a successful actress, designer and choreographer.

„This woman can’t be topped: an excellent dancer whose art glitters like fairy dust – even on the monitor.“ Quote by Tanz – Magazine for Ballet, Dance and Performance.

Interview with Tiler Peck, Bakersfield Native and Principal Dancer with the New York City Ballet, 10.10.2020
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How To Keep The Classical Ballet Alive

Is it ok to break away from traditions?

Artistic Director of the English National Ballet Tamara Rojo tells us about adapting the traditional ballet RAYMONDA. The London Coliseum will present this Word Premiere in January 2022. Learn how Tamara Rojo is challenged to keep the classics alive and how she reframed familiar stories to offer new perspectives.

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Mit Ballett kein Sommerloch

In Arte TV

Am Ende der Sommerpause starten die meisten Ballettkompagnies mit den ersten Proben für die neue Saison 2021/2022. Da gilt es erstmal für alle Tänzerinnen und Tänzer, wieder in Topform zu kommen und sich auf die erste Premiere vorzubereiten.

Wer bis dahin nicht warten möchte, kann auf ARTE einige spannende Ballettaufführungen sehen. Sehr zu empfehlen ist DORNRÖSCHEN vom Bolschoi-Ballett getanzt, mit der bezaubernden Starballerina Svetlana Zakharova in der Hauptrolle.

Hier der Link:


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The Origins Of Ballet

A brief history

My friends often ask me who invented ballet. I already wrote some posts about it and just found this amazing TED-Ed video on youtube.

The origins of ballet – Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood, 07.03.2016 by TED-Ed
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-origins… Can you imagine a party where every movement and every visual detail were governed by a complex system of rules and procedures? For centuries, such rituals were commonplace for European nobility. And while they’ve gone out of fashion, we recognize the components under a familiar label: ballet. Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood outline the history of this graceful and precise dance.
Lesson by Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood, animation by Moran Barak Studio.
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