TOP 10 Classical Ballet Companies

Top of the Ballet World

All rankings are subjective but first in mind I am thinking of the TOP 6  which have been internationally famous for decades and are the most common ones. These ballet companies are considered as such because they have a Ballet School, a repertoire,  a great corps, and have survived more than one director.

What do you think? Which company you love most?

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Love or Desire?

„Anna Karenina“ as a Ballet by 5 Famous Choreographers

Most people have heard of the movie “Anna Karenina”, starring Keira Knightley as the lead role, directed by Joe Wright and adapted by Tom Stoppard. Based on a novel by Leo Tolstoy, “Anne Karenina” is very popular in the ballet world right now. I have the feeling that every year brings a new interpretation of Tolstoy’s touching drama, all of which are different but all worth watching. Enjoy the trailers!
Please tell me which one you liked the most!

Weiterlesen „Love or Desire?“